Arts engage emotions and help us on our mental

Health journeys, promote and increase

Awareness in our communities

Asiri Health Arts started as a fellowship project at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

exploring evidence-based interventions intended on informing and educating about mental health to

non-clinical audiences through community-based experiences. Now we are transitioning to

incorporate it as an organization that support communities around the US and worldwide.

We do not wait for creativity to strike, we create intentional AHA moments!

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once you grow up

Pablo Picasso

Our Why

Mental health is a global public health issue shaped by various determinants operating at individual, family, community, and societal levels. A deeper understanding of the pathways that affect psychological well-being is essential to advance holistic wellness that create resilient and thriving communities.

Artistic expression has long played an integral role in humanity, uniquely suited to help us understand, communicate, and empathize creatively.

We create educational spaces for prevention and promotion of mental health, educating  and open up the conversation is at the center for reducing stigma and promoting access to resources. Our initiative aim to enhance and improve existing healthcare support systems.

At Asiri Health Arts, we create learning experiences through an inclusive and participatory framework that embrace innovation, critical thinking, art expression, community-based learning and asking questions.
Our learning experience is based on an evidence-based framework which is part of  a Harvard University initiative.
The experience is curated through participatory citizenship welcoming everyone and promoting inclusiveness. Here everyone’s voice is heard and everyone is encouraged to speak up without fear of judgment or stigma.

Our How


Critical Thinking

Art Expression

"The health of heart is linked to the health of the brain-and vice versa"

The Experience

Our unique approach to mental health through a literacy art-based protocol backed by evidence-based research had demonstrated the importance of participatory art expression and community engagement to reduce depression, anxiety, burnout and understanding existing mental health challenges of today's world.

Our sessions

Join us for creative workshops that promote self-expression and foster an understanding of mental health. Our guided protocol can be tailored to diverse settings, from classrooms, museums, outdoors, offices and more.

  • Learn

  • Engage

  • Create

  • Enjoy

We are transforming the way mental health care education is being delivered

Our impact goes beyond the text books and traditional learning experience, we teach and learn through an evidence based framework that is collaborative, dynamic and insightful.

The arts as a pathway to advance on Global Mental Health

Creations from our participants

Explore the diverse collection of artistic creations created by our talented participants ranging from drawings, paintings, sculptures, theater and music.