
Every contribution makes a difference

We are not accepting monetary donations right now (save it for later)! But, don't worry, you can still be our heroe in other amazing ways:

  • 🎬 Join us for our open workshops
    Passionate about arts and mental health, show up!

  • 🤝 Matchmaker, host us in your organization
    We bring the sparkle, glitter, fun, and learning to your team!

  • 🌐 Mentorship, Partnerships and Networking
    Connect us with your community, artists, influencers, and supporters, we’d love to partner.

  • 🎨 Art materials or super creative powers
    Donate materials, share your artistry skills, and amplify our mission.
selective focus photography of makeup brush and pencil and pens beside pink and purple flowers
selective focus photography of makeup brush and pencil and pens beside pink and purple flowers
person painting leaves
person painting leaves
brown paint brushes on assorted-color paint palette
brown paint brushes on assorted-color paint palette
person in gray t-shirt painting on table
person in gray t-shirt painting on table